Personal development is a MYTH - let me save you some time here ...


Hey, brilliant woman – I’m guessing this will not have escaped your attention.


The personal development industry is massive.


For some, working on themselves in the hope of living the life they were born to live is a full-time gig. That’s all they do – workshops, retreats, learning and growth. No living. No creating. Just “working on themselves.” That was me for about five years, too.


Where did it get me? Nowhere.


I bought into the idea that I needed to fix myself. That I had to work on myself, develop myself and sort myself out – BEFORE I could have what I wanted or live as the woman I truly am.


I learned the long and the hard way that this ideology is simply untrue.


In fact, I am going to go further than that.




The good news is…


There is nothing you have to fix or change about yourself to ensure you can live the life you were born to live.


No, really. (Though therapists and personal development teachers everywhere may hate me for telling you that.)


You are endowed with natural gifts, talents and abilities. That’s how you recognize yourself when I say, “Hey, brilliant woman – we need to talk.”


No one that has traveled the road to big success before you was headed from A to B or acting according to a set formula from the top. They simply had the courage to follow their gut and do whatever they needed to do in order to make it.


Highly likely, they didn’t have your fear.


And I am certain they backed themselves to succeed more than you do. (And if they didn’t, then they found a way to get over their sh*t.)


There are two sides to each of us. There’s our ultimate power, our genius-level abilities to create, our higher inspiration that’s always guiding us. And then there’s our mind – whose sole mission is to keep us in the realm of the known and familiar so we stay alive.


We have two choices: We create from one side of ourselves, or from the other. And, from the results you’re experiencing, I can tell you right here, right now, which part of you holds sway in your life right now.


Personal development is a MYTH. Sure, there are skills we may hone and develop, or get more confident in exercising. But our natural abilities already reside within us. Our job is to unleash those abilities.


Getting started is about becoming super clear on the path your soul wants you to go down – and being ready to take a leap of faith to get where you want to be.


What truly separates the haves and have-nots when it comes to our ultimate potential? A f***ing strong guidance system. And that’s where your genius comes in.


Sure, there’s resistance within you. Sure you’re scared of making your dreams a reality. I can empathize with that. There’s a part of you that knows the way to go to get over your fears – but you’re not using that part right now.


It’s that quiet voice inside you, whispering to you to step up. To dream big. To go now. Every time you hear that quiet voice, it’s your restless soul ready to explode.




You might be thinking, “How the heck do I figure this all out on my own?”


Well, what if you didn’t have to do this alone?


I am running a highly selective 1:1 coaching program for women wishing to become the empowered leaders of their own personal empires – and I have room for two more clients.


This opportunity is for women who are looking for a structure to sustain their next big step forward in life and leadership, and for the support and tools to make this a success.


If this sounds like you, and you’re ready to be part of a new global story where high-achieving women live out their dreams, I’d love to hear from you. You can find more information at


Much love,



{How would you like to secure a crystal clear vision of your professional and personal future right now – and accelerate your trajectory toward Success 2.0™?}


Success 2.0 ™ = being successful & having purpose and fulfilment in our work


You can find a kind of success in your career which brings you joy, purpose and fulfilment instead of a lack of inspiration and daily feelings of unhappiness and frustration because you don’t know how to move forward.


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